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Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement

AP courses are offered at all high school sites. As the Advanced Placement program in Fort Worth continues to expand, the programs of choice coordinators work with their high schools’ Advanced Placement teachers to ensure that each course fits the framework of a college course. The annual AP Audit provids each Advanced Placement teacher in Fort Worth ISD the opportunity to review his/her current content by comparing what he/she teaches to college level requirements. By writing a professional syllabus according to College Board guidelines, students are assured they will receive instruction equal to a college survey course while still in a supportive high school environment. 

Advanced Placement students are offered the annual opportunity to attend an AP/SAT Citywide Study Session at Texas Christian University.  Students are instructed by Fort Worth ISD instructors, some who are or have been College Board readers or consultants.  More than 20 course offerings include English, mathematics, science, social science and world language AP courses.  Teachers are invited to attend these sessions, also.  Our goal is to equitably provide support for students as well as a professional support base for teachers, who instruct these courses.  


AP Sofa Studies

Streaming video AP study sessions have been created and added to Fort Worth ISD's website to aid both AP teachers and students in their preparation for the AP exams in May.  You can access the videos at our Communication's Streaming Media page, under High Schools:

AP Sofa Studies videos

Currently there are videos for:

AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Spanish Language, AP Calculas, AP Statistics, AP Physics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP World History, AP US History, and AP Psychology




AP / PSAT testing information for Homeschooled Students

Summer PSAT/SAT Preparation Course information

Summer PSAT/SAT Preparation Course site locations, dates and contacts

Summer PSAT/SAT Preparation Course registration

2016 AP Exam Calendar

AP Sofa Studies Documents

AP World History: DBQ Worksheet

AP Language: Writing Well by Revising Systematically

AP Language: All Things Rhetorical

AP Language: Writing Well by Revising Systematically - The Writing Process

AP Language: Argumentation Vocabulary

AP Language: Argument Quiz

AP Language: Argument Example

AP Literature - Tone

AP English - "Salvador" Reading

AP English - "Salvador" Assignment